
I heard a story once about a not-so-famous jazz pianist, Boyd Lee Dunlop, who learned how to play on a broken piano in a neighbor’s yard. It must have been a little like this (click here). I think God is like that - a master musician who can coax beautiful music out of broken instruments. If my life has any loveliness in it, it is only because God is writing a concerto for a broken me.

The latest movement in this concerto has some interesting dissonance. Living trust and joy in the middle of crisis is our new daily challenge.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Jesus' Ultimatum...

So there I was, just another mom at another kid function, and I heard it again.  It was that phrase that for some reason, just bothers me.   It was that little phrase with that little word "ultimatum."  I hear it, and I want to send up a little red signal flare.   I shudder a bit whenever I hear that little phrase "I gave her/him an ultimatum" because it means that there are fiefdoms, territories, and protectorates where there ought to be love, sacrifice, and humility.   It seems that some folks issue them regularly.   I ought to know that... because.... well.....I've done it.  There's something satisfying in that self-righteousness that says "I'm not putting up with this nonsense anymore!"  The problem is, I can't find much evidence of that sort of thing in The Book.   Father, forgive us for we know not what we do.  

The word "ultimatum" means (according to dictionary.com) "a final, uncompromising demand or set of terms issued by a party to a dispute, the rejection of which may lead to a severance of relations or to the use of force."  In other words, "Do what I want, or else!" The etymology of the word, however, tells us that the Latin root ultimatus means "last, or final."  It is the final word before the war.  Dear God.. isn't there a better way?   

Jesus' ultimatum -- his last word on those with whom he had conflict -- was about forgiveness.   And strangely enough, even the Son of God didn't take that task on by himself.  He called out to the Father... gave it over into bigger hands, a bigger heart.   He shows us how this is done, not with bravado, but with humility.  Father forgive them (me, us)... we haven't a clue what we're doing.  

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